Echoes Of Justice

Tragedy of Simpang KKA

North Aceh, 3 May 1999

“What moves gives meaning, what remains still dies before its time.”

– Azharul Husna

Photos of

KontraS Aceh



Rozhatul Valica



August 13, 2023

The Simpang KKA incident occurred precisely at Simpang PT. Aceh Kraft Paper (KKA), Dewantara District, North Aceh Regency. The Simpang KKA tragedy was an event that took place during the Aceh conflict on May 3 1999 in Dewantara District, Aceh. At that time, Indonesian military troops opened fire on a crowd of residents who were demonstrating to protest the incident of abuse of residents that occurred on April 30 in Cot Murong, Lhokseumawe.

Military troops open fire on demonstrators in Dewantara, Aceh, 3 May 1999

In 2000, a further investigation was carried out by the Independent Commission to Investigate Acts of Violence in Aceh which was established through Presidential Decree Number 88/1999. After carrying out an investigation, an independent commission stated that 39 civilians were killed, including a seven year old child, 156 suffered gunshot wounds, and 10 civilians were declared missing. 

Based on the executive summary of the Komnas HAM investigation report regarding serious human rights violations at the KKA intersection, it was concluded that at the time of the KKA intersection, the residents who gathered were suspected to have reached thousands of people, from those who were just joining in, happened to be at the location, were detained while passing through the location, and deliberately come. However, on the other hand, road access was blocked by the crowds who had gathered at Simpang KKA. 

The classification and number of victims whose names were identified based on witness statements in the Investigation Report were criminal acts of murder totaling 23 victims and criminal acts of abuse (persecution) totaling 30 victims.

This incident constitutes a crime against humanity because it is very clear that "the act was carried out as part of a widespread or systematic attack and the attack was aimed directly at the civilian population." 

This incident continues to be commemorated by the local community every year. Until now, no perpetrator has been arrested and tried for this incident.

The Simpang KKA Monument is evidence of the cruelty and torture that occurred during the Aceh conflict, 13 August 2003.

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