Echoes Of Justice


Missing On May 24, 2001

Victims of forced disappearances.

Sis Ros lives in Sungai Raya, East Aceh Regency. Sis Ros single-handedly raised her 3 children who were abandoned by her husband when the children were still small. Sis Ros's husband, Ibrahim, is 33 years old, a security guard (Satpam) at a palm oil factory which is often called PTP by the community, located in Blang Tualang Village, Birem Bayeun District, East Aceh. Before working at PTP, Ibrahim worked at PT Wiralano in Labuhan Kedu Village, Sungai Raya District, East Aceh Regency, then moved to PTP after PT Wiralano closed. Ibrahim had worked at PTP for 9 months and was one of the victims of a forced disappearance carried out by an unknown person (OTK) on January 26 2001, it is not known exactly at what time. At that time, Ibrahim was carrying out the task of securing PTP. Usually Ibrahim goes home on Saturday afternoon and returns to PTP on Monday morning.

It was almost a month on January 5 2001 before the enforced disappearance of Ibrahim and his two colleagues who also disappeared. Ibrahim was the victim of torture carried out by the Paya Bilie II Mobile Brigade Post on the grounds of being disrespectful when he passed the post on a motorbike. At that time, Ibrahim and his friend were called to the Brimob post and beaten. After that, Ibrahim was allowed to continue his journey with the condition that he had to report every Monday and Thursday. Ibrahim was also not allowed to go home or report the incident. A week later, Sis Ros visited her husband at PTP. At first, Ibrahim did not tell his wife about the torture. But at that time, Sis Ros asked her husband what was wrong because she saw that his husband was not usually eating enthusiastically and taking medicine, so finally her husband told her about the beating.

Sis Ros doesn't know for sure the chronology of the incident, only heard the news from other people on Saturday afternoon. Heard from people who took fruit at the market and asked if they weren't there anymore, was there anyone down here? A few days before the incident, the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) looted PTP so that PTP employees left PTP due to unsafe conditions. Security officers were not permitted by the authorities to leave the PTP location. After Ibrahim reported it on Thursday 25 January 2001, that night Ibrahim and 2 of his colleagues who were also PTP security were kidnapped. Only 1 person remained from the Javanese tribe. There is no definite information about the security personnel who survived the kidnapping. At first he said that it was Brimob who took Ibrahim and his colleagues, but after being reconfirmed by the PTP admin he answered that he did not know how it happened because he was sleeping at the time.

The family's efforts to look for Ibrahim were made by Kak Ros while carrying her child by looking for places where it was reported that a body had been found, and Ibrahim's mother-in-law also went to PTP but to no avail, only the PTP worker found his wallet which was then handed over. to PTP Admin. Sis Ros also looked at the Paya Bilue II Brimob Post, begging the Brimob at the post, if she was indeed dead, give her the body and promised not to press charges. But they admitted that they did not take Ibrahim, they only admitted that they were eating crabs with Ibrahim and then they hunted deer with Ibrahim.

Ibrahim's disappearance made Sis Ros struggle alone to raise her 3 children who at that time were still not in school. The first child is 5 years old, the second child is 4 years old and the last child is 8 months old. Not many memories of the father were embedded in the children, only vague memories remained. Like Kak Ros's second child who still remembers when his father took him to watch volleyball because Ibrahim's father liked playing volleyball. The last child didn't even know what his father looked like because he was still a baby when his father abandoned him. To continue her life and raise her children, Sis Ros works making bricks next to her house and is also a casual daily laborer (BHL) at PTP. When his children were still small, Sis Ros didn't know how to explain when his son asked: "Why was my mother left as an orphan when my father died, where is his grave? When her children were still small, Sis Ros told her children that their father died far away so we wouldn't see his grave. They also know about the incident where their father disappeared from other people and they understand it themselves when they are older.

Obtaining house renovation costs provided by the Golkar Party because Kak Ros is also a participant in the party. Sis Ros also received diyat funds 7 times, the first time she received Rp. 500,000 and the other amount is not known for certain. Sis Ros's last child also received orphan funds which he received in the 4th grade of elementary school. Sis Ros said "It's been a long time, changing the Governor and President is not complete".

Now Sis Ros has successfully raised her children alone. His first child works in Batam, his second child has obtained a bachelor's degree in economics and his third child is still in high school.

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